JSI Tip 5695. DNSDump script will EXPORT (Backup) and IMPORT (Restore) your DNS Server configuration.

Dean Wells, of MSEtechnology provides us with DNSDump.CMD, a script to IMPORT and EXPORT your DNS server configuration, on Windows 2000.

Jerold Schulman

September 4, 2002

12 Min Read
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Dean Wells, of MSEtechnology provides us with DNSDump.CMD, a script to IMPORT and EXPORT your DNS server configuration, on Windows 2000, .NET Server, and beyond.

DNSDump.CMD provides the following help text:

SYNTAX - DNSdump [IMPORT|EXPORT] [data directory] [optional install root]  * [IMPORT] imports a previously dumped DNS service configuration  * [EXPORT] exports the current DNS service configuration  * [data directory] is a local, writable directory path  * [install root] is the local absolute path used by the DNS service  * DNSdump requires -    - administrative permission    - local execution on the DNS server    - Windows 2000 or an uplevel operating system  * DNSdump provides import and export of -    - DNS service configuration    - Active Directory integrated zones    - standard zone files  * IMPORTANT NOTES -    - existing Active Directory zone content will NOT be overwritten during IMPORT    - DNS service and zone configuration WILL be overwritten during IMPORT    - zone files WILL be overwritten during IMPORT    - registry keys are purged prior to IMPORT

When I opened a CMD prompt and typed dnsdump export d:dnsdump to export my DNS server configuration, the script displayed:

DNSdump - Ready to proceed, configuration as follows -   * Security context is "JSIINCJerry"   * Active Directory distinguished name is "DC=JSIINC,DC=COM"   * Mode of operation is "EXPORT"   * DNS installation root is "C:WINDOWSSystem32DNS"   * Data directory is "d:dnsdump"STATUS - Processing the following tasks ...          - exporting registry keys          - backing up DNS files from "C:WINDOWSSystem32DNS"          - exporting Active Directory integrated Zones          - preparing exported data for future importSTATUS - DNS service configuration completed

NOTE: The "data directory" must NOT exist on an export.

When I typed dnsdump import d:dnsdump, the script displayed:

DNSdump - Ready to proceed, configuration as follows -   * Security context is "JSIINCJerry"   * Active Directory distinguished name is "DC=JSIINC,DC=COM"   * Mode of operation is "IMPORT"   * DNS installation root is "C:WINDOWSSystem32DNS"   * Data directory is "d:dnsdump"STATUS - Processing the following tasks ...          - stopping DNS service          - purging DNS service registry keys          - configuring new registry keys          - restoring DNS files to "C:WINDOWSSystem32DNS"          - importing Active Directory integrated DNS zones          - restarting DNS serviceSTATUS - DNS service configuration completed

DNSDump.CMD contains:

:: DNSdump Version 2.0 - Dean Wells, MSEtechnology - July 2003:: PURPOSE - Dumps local server's DNS service configuration and zone content. Once dumped, the content::           can be imported on any other Windows 2000/2003 based DNS server [includes cross OS dumps]:: DNSdump V2.0 is INCOMPATIBLE with the current public release:: Supports Windows 2000/2003 members or DCs including Active Directory integrated zones. Application:: partitions are supported:: Requires Administrative credentials on local machine. If the DNS server is also a Domain Controller, :: Domain Administrative credemtials are required in order to export or import Active Directory integrated :: DNS zones:: Active Directory integrated zones exported from the domain NC will be translated to the local domain :: NC in the event of a cross domain export/import. Further behavioral details documented in syntax help@echo offsetlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION:: Prepare the displayecho.:: Define environmentset TOOLNAME=DNSdumpset KNOWNPATH=25,53,79,73,74,65,6d,52,6f,6f,74,25,5c,53,79,73,74,65,6d,33,set INSTALLROOT=%SystemRoot%System32DNSset DUMP=%~f2set STDOUT=nulset STDERR=nulset WORKING=0set ERROR=set domainDN=set domainDNS=set SUPPORTEDBUILDS=2195 3790:: Check local server meets necessary requirements for successful operation:: Derive operating system version and validate supportfor /f "tokens=3 delims=.]" %%v in ('ver') do set BUILD=%%vfor %%s in (%SUPPORTEDBUILDS%) do (if not "%%s"
"%BUILD%" ( if "!ERROR!"
"" set ERROR=1 ) else ( set ERROR=0 ) ) if not "%ERROR%"
"0" ( call :ERROR unsupported operating system version, build "%BUILD%" goto :END ) :: Check for sufficient arguments if "%2"
"" ( call :ERROR insufficient arguments call :SYNTAX goto :END ) :: Correct and/or report any errors in the dump directory argument set DUMP=%DUMP:"=% set TDUMP=%DUMP: =% if not "%TDUMP%"
"%DUMP%" ( call :ERROR dump path CANNOT contain spaces, "%DUMP%" goto :END ) :: Locate critical executables, error and terminate if not found for %%e in (net.exe findstr.exe ldifde.exe regedit.exe) do ( set where="%%~$PATH:e" if "!where!"
"""" ( call :ERROR critical executable, "%%e", could not be located goto :END ) ) :: Determine if DNS service is installed on local machine regedit /E:A "%TEMP%DNS-Service.TMP" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesDNS if not exist "%TEMP%DNS-Service.TMP" ( call :ERROR DNS service does not appear to be installed on "%COMPUTERNAME%" goto :END ) :: Check local credentials net user "%username%" | findstr /i "Administrators" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( net user "%username%" | findstr /i /c:"Domain Admins" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR security context is insufficient, administrative credentials required goto :END ) ) :: Determine if local machine is member or Domain Controller regedit /E:A "%TEMP%DCorMember.TMP" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlProductOptions" if not exist "%TEMP%DCorMember.TMP" ( call :ERROR unable to determine machine configuration [DC or member] goto :END ) for /f "tokens=2 delims
" %%t in ('type "%TEMP%DCorMember.TMP" ^| findstr "ProductType"') do ( if /i "%%t"
""LanmanNT"" (set TYPE=DC) else (set TYPE=MEMBER) ) :: Get DNS domain name of local machine if "%TYPE%"
"DC" ( regedit /E:A "%TEMP%NTDS-Service.TMP" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesNetlogonParameters if not exist "%TEMP%NTDS-Service.TMP" ( call :ERROR Directory Service configuration could not be determined goto :END ) for /f "tokens=1* delims
" %%s in ('type "%TEMP%NTDS-Service.TMP" ^| findstr "sysvol"') do ( set SYSVOL=%%t set SYSVOL=!SYSVOL:\=! for /f "tokens=2 delims=>" %%d in ('dir !SYSVOL! /ad ^| findstr "JUNCTION"') do ( set domainDNS=%%d set domainDNS=!domainDNS: =! ) ) if "!domainDNS!"
"" ( call :ERROR Directory Service configuration could not be determined goto :END ) call :DERIVEDN "!domainDNS!" set domainDN=!partDN! ) :: Begin script body :: Determine mode of operation if /i "%1"
"IMPORT" ( set MODE=IMPORT ) else ( if /i "%1"
"EXPORT" ( set MODE=EXPORT ) else ( call :ERROR invalid mode specified, "%1" call :SYNTAX goto :END ) ) :: React to derived mode and create/verify dump directory structure if "%MODE%"
"EXPORT" ( if exist "%DUMP%" ( call :ERROR dump directory already exists, "%DUMP%" goto :END ) else ( md "%DUMP%" 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to create dump directory, "%DUMP%" goto :END ) md "%DUMP%InstallRoot" 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to create directory, "%DUMP%InstallRoot" goto :END ) md "%DUMP%Logs" 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to create log directory, "%DUMP%Logs" goto :END ) ) ) else ( if not exist "%DUMP%" ( call :ERROR specified dump directory NOT found, "%DUMP%" goto :END ) ) :: Define custom DNS service installation root if supplied if not "%3"
"" ( set INSTALLROOT=%~f3 if not exist "%INSTALLROOT%" ( call :ERROR DNS installation root, "%INSTALLROOT%", is invalid goto :END ) ) else ( :: Query DNS service registry key for install root ... if non-standard, error for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%i in ('type "%TEMP%DNS-Service.TMP" ^| findstr /i "ImagePath"') do set ACTUALPATH=%%i if not "%KNOWNPATH%"
"!ACTUALPATH!" ( call :ERROR non-standard DNS installation root, specify zone file path set ERROR=2 goto :END ) if not exist %INSTALLROOT% ( md %INSTALLROOT% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to create DNS installation root, "%INSTALLROOT%" goto :END ) ) ) :: Export only the non locally critical DNS service registry keys to dump directory if "%MODE%"
"EXPORT" ( regedit /E:A "%DUMP%DNS-Service-LegacyZones.REG" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesDNSZones regedit /E:A "%TEMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.TMP" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesDNSParameters if not exist "%TEMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.TMP" ( call :ERROR unable to retrieve DNS service configuration set ERROR=2 goto :END ) type "%TEMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.TMP" | findstr /v /i "PreviousLocalHostname" >"%DUMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.REG" if not exist "%DUMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.REG" ( call :ERROR unable to retrieve DNS service configuration set ERROR=2 goto :END ) ) :: Set working directory and indicate state pushd "%DUMP%" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% echo %TOOLNAME% - Ready to proceed, configuration as follows - echo. echo * Security context is "%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%" echo * Mode of operation is "%MODE%" if "%TYPE%"
"DC" ( echo * Domain Controller detected echo * Active Directory domain name is "%domainDNS%" set /p nul= * Active Directory integrated zones WILL be %MODE%ED &1 | findstr /i /c:"not exist" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if not errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to stop DNS service ) :: Create .REG file to remove existing registry based DNS service configuration echo - removing existing DNS service configuration echo REGEDIT4>%TEMP%KillKeys.REG echo.>>%TEMP%KillKeys.REG echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesDNSParameters]>>%TEMP%KillKeys.REG echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesDNSZones]>>%TEMP%KillKeys.REG :: Execute the removal if exist %TEMP%KillKeys.REG ( regedit /s %TEMP%KillKeys.REG ) else ( call :ERROR existing configuration could NOT be removed ) :: Delete the temporary registry file del %TEMP%KillKeys.REG 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% :: Import the registry data echo - reconfiguring DNS service for %%r in ("%DUMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.REG" "%DUMP%DNS-Software.REG" "%DUMP%DNS-Service-LegacyZones.REG") do ( if exist %%r ( regedit /s %%r ) else ( if not "%%r"
""%DUMP%DNS-Service-LegacyZones.REG"" ( call :ERROR unable to reconfigure DNS service registry settings ) ) ) :: Restore the DNS config./zone files echo - restoring DNS service configuration files to "%INSTALLROOT%" xcopy "%DUMP%InstallRoot*.*" "%INSTALLROOT%" /h /y 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to export configuration files to "%INSTALLROOT%" goto :END ) :: Restore the Active Directory integrated zones :: Check the type (DC or member), if member skip, if DC import all files with extension .ADzones if "%TYPE%"
"DC" if exist "%DUMP%*.ADzones" ( echo - importing Active Directory integrated DNS zones from; echo. for /f %%z in ('dir /b "%DUMP%*.ADzones"') do ( set tmpPART=%%~nz if /i "!tmpPART:~0,9!"
"CN=System" ( call :NCIMPORT !tmpPART! ) else ( if not "%BUILD%" GTR "2195" ( echo * !tmpPART! echo - unsupported partition detected ... IGNORED set ERROR=1 ) else ( call :NCIMPORT !tmpPART! ) ) echo. ) ) :: Start the DNS service echo - restarting DNS service net start dns 2>&1 | findstr "invalid" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if not errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to start DNS service ) :: Determine level of success echo. if "%ERROR%"
"1" ( echo STATUS - Import partially completed ... ERRORS OCCURRED ) else ( echo STATUS - DNS service configuration completed ) goto :END :: Handles export of DNS configuration and zone content :EXPORT echo - exporting DNS service configuration if not exist "%DUMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.REG" ( call :ERROR unable to retrieve DNS service configuration goto :END ) :: Construct partition information echo "%domainDNS%">"%DUMP%PartitionFQDN.DAT" regedit /E:A "%DUMP%DNS-Software.REG" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDNS Server" :: Alert user to legacy storage of zone configuration :: Else clause derives partitions in which zones exist and assumes domain NC as potential candidate if not exist "%DUMP%DNS-Software.REG" ( echo - legacy "Zones" key located ... LEGACY CONFIGURATION USED ) else ( for /f "tokens=2 delims
" %%z in ('type "%DUMP%DNS-Software.REG" ^| findstr "DirectoryPartition"') do ( echo %%z>>"%DUMP%PartitionFQDN.DAT" ) ) :: Copy existing DNS install root echo - exporting DNS service file structure from "%INSTALLROOT%" copy "%INSTALLROOT%*.*" "%DUMP%InstallRoot" /y 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if errorlevel 1 ( call :ERROR unable to backup DNS installation root, "%INSTALLROOT%" set ERROR=2 goto :END ) :: Exports Active Directory integrated zones if running on a DC :: Removes objectGUID references in order to permit import if "%TYPE%"
"DC" ( echo - exporting Active Directory integrated Zones from; echo. if not exist "%DUMP%PartitionFQDN.DAT" ( call :ERROR unable to derive partitions containing DNS zones ) for /f "tokens=*" %%d in ('type "%DUMP%PartitionFQDN.DAT"') do ( call :DERIVEDN %%d ldifde -s localhost -d "CN=MicrosoftDNS,!partDN!" -f "%DUMP%!partDN!.ADtmpZones" -j "%DUMP%Logs" | findstr /i /c:"No Entries found" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if not errorlevel 1 ( set ERROR=1 echo * !partDN! - UNHANDLED ERRORS ) else ( echo * !partDN! ) echo - preparing zones for import echo. type "%DUMP%!partDN!.ADtmpZones" | findstr /v "objectGUID" >"%DUMP%!partDN!.ADzones" del "%DUMP%!partDN!.ADtmpZones" 2>%STDERR% call :LOGS %!partDN! ) ) :: Determine level of success echo. if not "%ERROR%"
"0" ( echo STATUS - Export partially completed ... ERRORS OCCURRED ) else ( echo STATUS - Export completed successfully ) goto :END :: End script body :: Define procedures and error/syntax routines :: Receives a fully qualified domain name as argument 1 and converts it to a distinguished name :DERIVEDN set partDN=%* set partDN=%partDN:~1,-1% set partDN=.%partDN% set partDN=%partDN:.=,DC=% set partDN=%partDN:~1% if /i "%domainDN%"
"%partDN%" ( set partDN=CN=System,%partDN% ) goto :EOF :: Import supplied naming context and handle logged output :NCIMPORT :: Translate DN references for domain NC integrated zones such that a zone exported from a DC in one domain :: can be imported into the domain NC of a DC in another if /i "%tmpPART:~0,9%"
"CN=System" ( if not "%tmpPART:~10%"
"%domainDN%" ( set APPEND=-c %tmpPART:~10% %domainDN% set logDN=CN=System,%domainDN% ) else ( set APPEND= set logDN=%* ) ) else ( set APPEND= set logDN=%* ) ldifde -s localhost -i -k -f "%*.ADzones" -j "%DUMP%Logs" %APPEND% | findstr /i "error" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if not errorlevel 1 ( echo * %* ... UNHANDLED ERRORS set ERROR=1 ) else ( echo * %* ) if not "%APPEND%"
"" ( echo - cross domain EXPORT/IMPORT detected, domain DN's translated echo ... "%tmpPART:~10%" to "%domainDN%" ) call :LOGS %logDN% goto :EOF :: Rename logged entries for each partition exported or imported in order preserve each log :LOGS del "%DUMP%Logs*-%MODE%.LOG" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% del "%DUMP%Logs*-%MODE%.ERR" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% ren "%DUMP%Logsldif.log" "[%*]-%MODE%.LOG" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% ren "%DUMP%Logsldif.err" "[%*]-%MODE%.ERR" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% goto :EOF :: Displays errors :ERROR if "%WORKING%"
"1" ( echo - FAILED ... %* ) else ( echo ERROR - %* ) set ERROR=1 goto :EOF :: Provides assistance with syntax :SYNTAX echo. echo SYNTAX - %TOOLNAME% [IMPORT^|EXPORT] [dump directory] ^ echo. echo * [IMPORT] imports a %TOOLNAME% exported DNS service configuration echo * [EXPORT] exports the existing DNS service configuration echo * [dump directory] is a local, writable directory path echo * [install root] is the local absolute path used by the DNS service echo. echo * %TOOLNAME% requires - echo - administrative credentials echo - local execution on the DNS server echo - Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 server family, builds %SUPPORTEDBUILDS% echo. echo * %TOOLNAME% provides import and export of - echo - DNS service configuration echo - Active Directory integrated zones and zone configuration echo - standard zone files and zone configuration echo. echo * %TOOLNAME% feature notes - echo - existing Active Directory zones will NOT be overwritten during IMPORT echo - manually erase existing zones IF an authoritative import IS REQUIRED echo - ALL zone configuration options WILL be overwritten during IMPORT echo - non Active Directory integrated zones WILL be overwritten during IMPORT echo - existing DNS service configuration WILL be overwritten during IMPORT echo - DNS service WILL be restarted during IMPORT echo - detailed logs are preserved beneath the specified DUMP path goto :EOF :END :: Restore previous working directory popd :: Clean up del "%TEMP%DNS-Service.TMP" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% del "%TEMP%DNS-Service-Parameters.TMP" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% del "%TEMP%NTDS-Service.TMP" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% del "%TEMP%DCorMember.TMP" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% if "%ERROR%"
"2" ( if "%MODE%"
"EXPORT" ( del "%DUMP%InstallRoot" /f /y 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% rd "%DUMP%InstallRoot" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% del "%DUMP%Logs" /f /y 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% rd "%DUMP%Logs" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% del "%DUMP%" /f /q 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% rd "%DUMP%" 1>%STDOUT% 2>%STDERR% ) )
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