A+ Certification Online ResourcesA+ Certification Online Resources
You can find information about A+ certification on the Internet. Here is a list of some links.
July 31, 1999
You can find information about A+ certification on the Internet. The following Web sites provide details and sample exam questions:
http://www.comptia.org—contains details about the exam, including sample questions and links to other resources
http://www.cramsession.com—lists free resources and information about the A+ certification exam and other certification exams
http://aplusforum.virtualave.net—provides links to free A+ certification resources and advice about preparing for the exam
http://www.pcobsessions.com/cert/aplus.htm—offers information about A+ certification and free practice exams
http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/haven/8823/a.htm—includes links to other A+ certification resources
http://www.concentric.net/~redward—presents information about the A+ certification exam, including free practice questions
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