Microsoft's Malware Protection Center Gets Reorganized, Revamped

Microsoft has reorganized their Malware Protection Center web site to allow quick access to common motives why someone would visit the site like this in the first place.

Rod Trent

July 18, 2013

1 Min Read
Microsoft's Malware Protection Center Gets Reorganized, Revamped

To help locate security software and updates easier, Microsoft has reorganized their Malware Protection Center web site. When you visit the site now, you'll see that updates, software downloads, and support options are more prominent, taking up the top header using some Windows 8ish tiles. The new site also includes what you're used to finding on other Microsoft properties such as news, recent blog posts, and access to the Community forums, but Microsoft has also included a widget to allow quick access to common motives why someone would visit the site in the first place.  The widget provides the top four reasons to navigate to a Malware site:

Visit the improved site here:  Microsoft Malware Protection Center


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