Join the Save TechNet Community

Our sister site,, has developed a new email list to serve the SAVE TECHNET community to allow communications, notifications, and discussion to ensure the movement can continue to grow.

Rod Trent

July 30, 2013

1 Min Read
Join the Save TechNet Community

If you’re somehow still not aware, Microsoft announced the end of the TechNet subscription service. IT people everywhere were a bit shocked by the news, but also severely upset that Microsoft would terminate a key service that allowed them to test Microsoft software. Microsoft has offered alternatives, suggesting that IT can instead use the time-limited eval versions of software, or utilize Microsoft’s online virtual training courses, but to many, this is not enough and hugely inadequate for what the subscription service was being used for.

If you’ve been following along, Cody Skidmore has rallied close to 10,000 people who are hoping that Microsoft may change their mind about discontinuing the software download option that so many relied on. Last week, in our TechNet Subscriptions Demise, Community Update article, the petition had almost 7,000 supporters and garnered the attention of some major news organizations. The effort continues to evolve and the SAVE TECHNET movement is requiring additional resources to better manage communications with the growing crowd of supporters.

Today, our sister site,, has developed a new email list to serve the SAVE TECHNET community to allow communications, notifications, and discussion to ensure the movement can continue to grow.

If you have still not signed the petition, jump out here and add your voice:

Continue TechNet Or Create An Affordable Alternative To MSDN

And, once you’ve done that, join email list here:

SAVE TECHNET Community Email list


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