Exchange & Outlook UPDATE, Outlook Edition, December 31, 2004

Sue Mosher takes a look at Outlook settings for Office 2003 SP1. Plus, get Outlook tips and product information.

ITPro Today Contributors

December 30, 2004

10 Min Read
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The Key to Stopping Email Attacks: Sender ID Can't Do It

Free White Paper: High Availability for Windows Services


1. Commentary
- Managing Outlook Settings for Office 2003 SP1 2. Resources
- Outlook Tip: Preventing Out-of-Office Responses to Mailing Lists 3. New and Improved
- Protect Your Inbox
- Tell Us About a Hot Product and Get a T-Shirt!


~~~~ Sponsor: The Key to Stopping Email Attacks: Sender ID Can't Do It ~~~~
"Going nowhere fast," is how the media described recent efforts to develop an industry-wide email sender authentication standard. Even if some form of Sender ID is eventually adopted, spammers and hackers may be able to exploit the registration of IP addresses with Sender ID to improve their delivery of junk email. Effective real time IP address analysis and filtering is necessary — not sender authentication. This white paper explains why enterprises do not need to rely on Sender ID and discusses better, proven email intrusion prevention solutions that already work today to stop spam, viruses and email attacks. Get answers now!


Editor's note: Share Your Exchange Discoveries and Get $100
Share your Exchange Server and Outlook discoveries, comments, or problems and solutions for use in the Exchange & Outlook Administrator print newsletter's Reader to Reader column. Email your contributions (500 words or less) to [email protected]. We edit submissions for style, grammar, and length. If we print your submission, you'll get $100.



~~~~ Sponsor: Free White Paper: High Availability for Windows Services ~~~~
It is no stretch to say that Windows high availability must be a fundamental element in your short- and long-term strategic IT planning. This free white paper discusses the core issues surrounding Windows high availability, with a focus on business drivers and benefits. You'll learn about the current market solutions, technologies and real-world challenges including cost-benefit analyses. Plus, find out how to assess technical elements required in choosing a high availability solution, including the robustness of the technology, time-to-failover, and implementation difficulties. Download this white paper now!


==== Announcements ==== (from Windows IT Pro and its partners) Get the Cliffs Notes to Migrating from Novell NDS to Windows Server 2003
Migrating from Novell NDS to Windows Server 2003 means moving from an established directory service to the latest version of Active Directory. Missing a step in the migration process could mean real problems. Use our quick reference guide as a cheat-sheet to help you manage each step of the migration process. Download the guide now. Sensible Best Practices for Exchange Availability Web Seminar--January 27
If you're discouraged about not having piles of money for improving the availability of your Exchange server, join Exchange MVP Paul Robichaux for this free Web seminar and learn how to maximize your existing configuration. Survive unexpected outages, plan for the unplannable, and evaluate what your real business requirements are without great expense. Register now! Are You a Hacker Target?
You are if you have an Internet connection faster than 384Kbps. In this free on-demand Web seminar, Alan Sugano will examine two attacks (an SMTP Auth Attack and a SQL Attack) that let spammers get into the network and relay spam. Find out how to keep the hackers out of your network and what to do if your mail server is blacklisted as an open relay. Register now! Token Authentication: Getting It Right
More and more companies are taking the first steps toward leaving passwords behind and implementing tokens for at least a portion of their users and systems. In this free on-demand Web seminar, join Randy Franklin Smith to find out the advantages of implementing token-based Reduced Sign-On (RSO) and learn how you can you make a solid business case to management that justifies the costs. Get valuable checklists of key evaluation and testing points and critical success factors for rollout time. Register now! ==== 2. Resources ==== Outlook Tip: Preventing Out-of-Office Responses to Mailing Lists by Sue Mosher, [email protected]
Q: How can I prevent out-of-office responses from being returned to distribution lists (DLs) and other mailing lists?
Find the answer (and links to more great tips) at ==== Events Central ==== (A complete Web and live events directory brought to you by Windows IT Pro: ) Get Expert Advice on Implementing a Service Management Plan
Our expert panel delivers tips, techniques, and insight to get you closer to a service management plan in this free on-demand Web seminar. Get real-world perspectives on industry trends and examples of how to leverage service management for maximum results and how to implement a plan for your business. Register now! ==== 3. New and Improved ==== by Angie Brew, [email protected] Protect Your Inbox
DS Development released Email Sentinel Pro 2.7, a utility that blocks attachments, scripts, images, and spamming techniques before they reach your Inbox. The product can convert email messages to text messages to help block viruses and automatically creates backup copies of the original messages. Email Sentinel Pro creates traffic reports about the number of incoming email messages and attachments. The product features a whitelist that supports Outlook and MSN contacts. Email Sentinel Pro costs $14.95. Contact DS Development at [email protected]. Tell Us About a Hot Product and Get a T-Shirt!
Have you used a product that changed your IT experience by saving you time or easing your daily burden? Tell us about the product, and we'll send you a T-shirt if we write about the product in a future Windows IT Pro What's Hot column. Send your product suggestions with information about how the product has helped you to [email protected]. ==== Sponsored Link ==== Data Protection from NSI and Microsoft
Instant recovery and data protection solutions for Exchange and SQL servers;12746138;8214395;l?


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