Are SQL Server 2008’s T-SQL and Data Type Enhancements Compelling Enough to Migrate?
Unsure whether you should migrate to SQL Server 2008 for its T-SQL and data type functionality? Check out these resources, which offer you insight into the T-SQL and data type improvements in SQL Server 2008, and decide for yourself.
January 12, 2009
SQL Server 2008 includes many T-SQL enhancements, such as support for table-valued parameters and new MERGE and DECLARE statements, as well as new data types, such as the FILESTREAM and GEOGRAPHY data types. However, it can be daunting to try and figure out how these new data types and statements can benefit your SQL Server environment. The following SQL Server Magazine resources highlight the new T-SQL statements and data types in SQL Server 2008 and can help you decide if these enhancements are worth upgrading from SQL Server 2005 or 2000 for:
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