Import Users into AD With One Line and Two CommandsImport Users into AD With One Line and Two Commands
I think one of the coolest things about PowerShell is pipeline parameter binding. It can't always make things easier, but it OFTEN can. Consider this example of how to read a CSV file and create new users based on the information in that CSV:
July 8, 2010
I'm in vacation next week, so I'm doubling up on the blogging this week...
I think one of the coolest things about PowerShell is pipeline parameter binding. It can't always make things easier, but it OFTEN can. Consider this example of how to read a CSV file and create new users based on the information in that CSV:
Start by assuming I have a CSV file whose column headers align to AD attributes:
DonJ,DonJ,IT,CTO,Las Vegas,Jones
The "poor" way of doing this in PowerShell - a way remarkably similar to VBScript, in fact - would be to load the lines of the CSV into a variable, enumerate them, and then use the information to populate New-ADUser parameters:
$names = Import-CSV names.csv
foreach ($name in $names) {
new-aduser -name $ -samaccountname $name.samaccountname `
-department $name.department -city $ -sn $
You could collapse that into a one-liner, but it's the same basic approach:
import-csv names.csv | foreach-object { new-aduser -name $
-samaccountname $_.samaccountname -department $_.department
-city $ -title $_.title }
You don't need to work that hard. All of those New-ADUser parameters support pipeline parameter binding "ByPropertyName." That means if I pipe in an object or objects - like the ones produced by Import-CSV - PowerShell will look for properties on those objects which match the parameter names of the next command. Matching properties are "fed" to their parameters. So this works just as well:
import-csv names.csv | new-aduser
Done. Really, it's that simple. Try it. So long as the CSV column names match the New-ADUser parameter names, you're gold. And if they don't, you can actually use Select-Object in between those two commands to RENAME columns so that they DO match the parameters of New-ADUser!
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