SQL Is Dead; Love Live SQL! Bring Order to Chaos with Hive and Hadoop
September 14, 2015
"Speaker: Joshua Fennessy Hadoop is very often affiliated with NoSQL projects. It's also a common misconception that NoSQL stands for NO SQL! In this session we'll uncover the truth behind that myth through the use of a very active Apache project called Hive. SQL developers will feel right at home in this session as we uncover how to access data stored in HDFS in a way that is structured and easy to understand. We'll compare and contrast Hive's approach to traditional RDBMSs and look at use cases where it might be wise to choose one over another. We'll take a dive under the hood to explore how Hive's performance has been improved over the past 24 months. We'll also take a look at some competing products to understand the differences between them. Hadoop wouldn't be so widely accepted in enterprise scenarios without support for SQL. Discover the power of Hive in this session."
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