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A side by side comparison - Surface 3 vs Surface Pro 3

A side by side comparison - Surface 3 vs Surface Pro 3

Earlier we posted a side by side comparison of the Surface 3 and Surface 2, our third cousins in the Surface family of products, to see how they compared to each other.

Now it is time to bring in the Surface 3's big brother, the Surface Pro 3, because he will certainly want his time in the spotlight as well.

Surface 3 makes for a perfect little brother to the Surface Pro 3 and is able to fill in a niche area for users that was not available in the Surface line of hardware prior to this announcement.

So, as we did with the Surface 2, lets jump in and take a look at the Surface Pro 3 alongside the Surface 3:

Surface 3 vs Surface Pro 3 - Side by Side

But, wait...there's probably more so be sure to follow me on Twitter and Google+.

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